Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Favorite Blog: Hungry Runner Girl

Hungry Runner Girl.  Possibly…no DEFINITELY, my favorite blog to read to date.  HRG’s (that Hungry Runner Girl for short) real name is Janae and, you guessed it, her blog includes a lot of running and a lot of food.  She recently moved from Utah to Northern California, where she lives with her husband, Billy, and baby girl, Brooke.  Janae is an incredibly fast runner.  She only began racing in 2010, when she ran her first marathon (Salt Lake Marathon) and finished fifth overall female.  To put that in perspective, that’s just unheard of in running.  Her big overall goal is to run a sub-3 hour marathon, which is a daunting task that I’m sure she’ll be able to accomplish since her marathon PR is already 3:04.

(photo via

In addition to the ridiculous amount of races that she competes in, she also writes about food and describes food as a “huge passion” of hers.  In her About Me page she writes, “I will always have a deep love for candy, Café Rio, ice cream, ginormous salads, baked potatoes, and steak.”  She also occasionally discusses her past struggles with disordered eating and how she has worked through those obstacles.
But I think what makes HRG a great blog is Janae’s sense of humor and overall excitement about life.  The second you arrive at her homepage, her sense of humor is evident.  On her header image it reads the slogan “It’s rude to count people as you pass them. Out loud.”  And this sense of humor carries over into her blog posts where she discusses anything from her races, to trips to Cosco, to her husband Billy, to the rest of her family.  Unlike many of the fitness bloggers out there, Janae is more concerned with content rather than the so-called professionalism of her blog.  She leaves a disclaimer on her blog saying, “I hope you enjoy my blog and I guess if you don’t that’s okay too.  Just don’t get frustrated with all of my grammatical errors.”  (Note: her blog posts regularly receive over 100 comments so I guess her strategy is working)

 (photo via

Janae’s sense of humor can be seen all over the blog, but is particularly evident in the titles of her posts.  Some examples of her posts titles are “We actually drove an hour and a half each way just to get fish and chips,” “My 50th not to smart moment of 2013,” “Better than finding $20 in your pocket and a running quiz,” and “14 miles and getting kicked out of Cosco.”  Janae has a wonderful outlook on life and an uncanny ability to make even the most everyday, seemingly mundane situations seem exciting and interesting.  Her innate sense of humor and hilarious tone make her blog posts entertaining as well as informative and heartfelt.  If you’re a runner, foodie, new mom, or anyone looking for a good laugh, I’d highly recommend checking out Janae’s blog

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